• Build less - slim the program

  • Build ON less - reduce the footprint, grow trees

  • Build in and out - dissolve barriers between inside and outside

  • Build slender - reduce mass, get slim, make natural light and ventilation possible

  • Build robust - lets go to ruin gracefully, reduce the need for maintenance

  • Build light - lightweight structures, layers and skin: touch the earth lightly

  • Build on what's leftover - adapt the existing, bring history to life

  • Build ordinary - seek out the beautiful in the everyday, regular is the new special

  • Build safe, not sterile - kill hazard, don't kill joy

  • Build local - feed off local material, local skills

  • Build interim - affordable now, grow later

  • Build hope, not ambition - architecture should offer hope to grow, not be heavy with ambition

  • Build need, not greed - necessity is cool, excess sucks

  • Madhura.